Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Chicks are Coming!!

We've been doing lots to prepare for the newest members of our classroom, which should be arriving early this week. The kids have been religiously been counting the days until their expected date of arrival. The class is also aware of the signs that the embryos are indeed developing. We met in McKenzie's classroom with Marcia as she candled the eggs to observe whether or not there is a shadow present. The kids thought about what it means if there is or isn't a shadow. They also thought about what it means if an egg feels heavy or light. Most of our eggs were heavy and had a large shadow... very exciting!!

Staying consistent with our egg hatching theme, the kids played a sensory activity using 4 plastic eggs which were filled with 4 different objects. The class knew what the objects were, but they didn't know which egg they were in. Each egg was passed around for the kids to shake, and they described features of the unknown objects based on the sounds they made. When the objects were revealed, what was inside wasn't exactly what the kids expected because of a few similarities in sound. They were also able to figure out what was in egg number 4 through process of elimination.

Throughout the week during freeplay, there were various activities that were very sensory oriented. The class squished shaving cream with sea shells, noticed the effects of drawing with wet chalk, built on felt using bristle blocks, designed with sand and glue, painted at the easel with textured and unusually shaped brushes, and ink pads to make finger and hand print designs. It was definitely a very interactive and exploratory week.

We've also been doing more preparation for the end of the year and moving to a new classroom and/or a new school. We've been reading books about what we can expect for next year, how some things will be the same and some things will be different. We also talked about how everyone in their new class next year is experiencing the exact same things and feelings as they are and that they're not alone. The kids are feeling excited and nervous at the same time, but they know that moms, dads and teachers will ALWAYS be there for them and with them. We will be having a CPS alumni visiting our classroom to talk about all of the cool things he does in his new classroom, and the kids will have the opportunity to ask questions, too.

Just a reminder: our field trip is this Tuesday. Please make sure you return your photo release form and permission slip (which is more of an explanation of the trip than an actual permission slip) by tomorrow. Let me know if you need more handouts tomorrow.

We'll also have a special visit from the song writer this Wednesday afternoon.

Have a great Sunday evening!


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