Monday, February 1, 2010

Our space vocabulary has been increasing more and more as we continue our voyage through our solar system. Here is a list of some of the words/topics we have discussed thus far:






Solar Flare

Sun Spot


Freezing point




Here is a clip from a conversation focusing on Mercury:

Sarah: "Mercury is like tiny, tiny Pluto"

Julia J.: "Pluto is the smallest planet"

[do we still call Pluto a planet?]

All: "it's a moon!"

Sam: "Space is huge"

[What else do we know about Mercury?]

Ryan: "Mercury has lots of craters in it"


All: there are space rocks!

[What protects the Earth from space rocks?]

Savannah: "There is something you can't see that makes it so things can't get through. [what is that called?] Atmosphere.

Some of the thoughtful questions the kids have been asking include " Does the Sun have an atmosphere?" and "Is Mercury as hot as the Sun?" We have also been keeping track of the facts we learn which will be hanging under each 'space object' the children make. Last week, the kids molded Mercury using a glue paste and newspaper wrapped around a balloon. This coming week, we will cover the mold to mimic Mercury's surface based on pictures they've seen and begin to learn about our the second closest planet to the Sun, Venus.

Aside from Space, we have had a lot of interest in fashion and costume design. The kids have been working hard to make masks, capes, crowns, wings, dresses, and even huge paper dolls using materials such as tissue paper, tape, fabric scraps and pipe-cleaners. They have also ventured into the world of accessories, designing purses and wallets! Their interest in design has demonstrated originality, creativity, problem solving and team work. It can be quite a challenge creating an entire outfit with limited and non-durable resources.

Another hot area has been the block area. Their structures have been incredibly complex, and have really been testing their ability to balance TALL and intricate designs.

The cold, cold weather has had us all thinking about cozying up with blankets and pillows inside. Eva Y. and all of her friends thought it would be a great idea to snuggle up with blankets, pillows, favorite rest toys and hot chocolate and marshmallows while reading a story together inside. This is something that we will do together this week, using the marshmallows to help us get a stronger grasp on some basic addition, subtraction and even fractions. Math can be so delicious!

Remember, please bring in a shoe-box (or any similar sized box) to be decorated as a Valentine's Day mailbox no later than Monday, February 8th.

I'll see you during the week.


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